125+ Best Savage Breakup Captions for Instagram

Are you looking for some Savage Breakup Captions for Instagram to show the world that you’re moving on after a tough breakup? If so, then you’re in the right place! This blog post will provide you with Savage Breakup Captions for Instagram that will make it clear to your ex that you’re done with the relationship and ready to move on with your life. Keep reading to find the perfect quote to share with the world!

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Best Savage Breakup Captions for Instagram

  • “I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.”
  • “I think it’s important to realize you can miss something but not want it back.”
  • “You used to be my cup of tea, but I sip champagne now.”
  • “It was harder than I thought, but breakups are never easy after all I guess.”
  • “My phone battery lasts longer than your relationships.”
  • “Too bad you can’t photoshop an ugly personality!”
  • “Cancel my subscription because I’m done with your issues.”
  • “Once broken, impossible to gain back.”
  • “If Karma doesn’t hit you, l gladly will.”
  • “Everything in your life happens for a reason. The things which hurt you the most, Make you more strong.”
  • “Made like Elsa and decided to let it go.”
  • “I am back on the market.”
  • “Choosing me and my happiness has been the best decision yet.”
  • “Let it go.”
  • “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness.”
  • “You will heal.”
  • “Today it feels like I just woke up from months of sleeping.”
  • “What is stronger than the human heart, which shatters over and over and still lives.”
  • “No ring, No prob.”
  • “It’s okay to not be okay”.
  • “Single until I find a human, I love more than chicken fingers.”
  • “I used to hope that you’d bring me flowers. Now I plant my own.”
  • “Never beg to be loved.”
  • “Stop filling the spaces in between with distractions, and the right energy will flow in.”
  • “Know your worth.”
  • “Don’t look back.”
  • “Sometimes when we lose our way, we find ourselves.”
  • “Lesson learned.”
  • “Find the love you seek by first finding the love within yourself.”
  • “I’m not throwing shade, I overshadow you.”
  • “Do it for the people who want to see you fail.”
  • “Never beg someone to stay.”
  • “My DMs are open for sliding.”
  • “If I was you, I’d wanna be me too.”
  • “Finally, happy.”
  • “thank you, next-ing and thriving”
  • “Realized I’ll probs never find a love like the one I have for pizza and am cool with that.”
  • “Sometimes you just have to face whatever it is that’s causing you pain.”
  • Peace out.
  • Hope you find whatever it is I couldn’t give you.
  • I know there’s someone out there for me.
  • You were one mistake I can learn a lot from.
  • Now that it’s over, it’s clear we weren’t meant to be.
  • Love should never feel forced.
  • Can finally breathe again.
  • I’d rather be single than in an empty relationship.
  • Ready to take on the world, even without you by my side.
  • Sometimes you have to make hard choices to move on with your life.
  • I’m still here and still loving you.
  • Never going back.
  • So long, farewell.

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Funny Breakup Captions for Instagram

  • My friends said they missed single me. Well, I’m back!
  • Glad to be back to just me, myself and I!
  • Now that I know what fake love feels like, I’m ready to find something real.
  • Now I can go back to being my truest self.
  • Leaving you in the past.
  • I forgot how hot I look as a single person.
  • It was fun while it lasted, but the future will be even better.
  • I don’t need you or anyone else to be happy.
  • I’m even stronger than I knew.
  • I have enough people that love me; you won’t be missed.
  • I thought we were made for each other, but maybe only for a short time.
  • Time to drink some booze, blast some tunes, and get over you!
  • Letting you go hurts, but staying together hurts more.
  • I have no more tears to cry for you.
  • Single and proud.
  • Shining brighter than ever now that you’re gone.
  • It was fine, but I wanted more than fine.
  • Better off alone.
  • I’ll miss you, but I know someday this will all make sense.
  • Single me is a lot more fun than relationship me!
  • I wasn’t ready for us to end.
  • You broke me, and I can’t forgive that.
  • Moving on is the only way through this.
  • We learned a lot and loved a lot, but this good thing had to end.
  • With friends and family like mine, I know I’ll be okay.
  • And one day, it’ll all be okay.
  • Good riddance.
  • On to the next one.
  • See you never!
  • The pain I feel today will be my strength tomorrow.
  • Better off without you.
  • You’re out of the picture and out of my life.

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Short Breakup Captions for Instagram

  • It’s time to find myself again – I’ve missed her.
  • Sometimes I think about my ex… and wonder what I was thinking.
  • I wish we could have made this work.
  • If you’re not the best for each other, let each other go.
  • Follow your own path, even if it means you travel alone.
  • Sad it’s over, thankful it happened.
  • I know I’m a catch, and the right person will appreciate me.
  • These days without you are long and lonely.
  • If you want to be miserable and lonely, then I get why you left.
  • Enjoying my own company.
  • Look out everyone – I’m single again!
  • Like a burning candle, our flame finally fizzled out.
  • Sweet freedom.
  • I love myself and I know my worth.
  • Learning how to be okay with not being okay.
  • Here’s to moving on and finding happiness.
  • My heart’s shattered into a thousand pieces, a puzzle I can’t solve.
  • It was time to set myself free.
  • I guess a loving relationship isn’t for everyone.
  • I’ll be okay – but you might not be once you realize how badly you messed up.
  • What, you thought I would miss you?
  • Never settle for anything less than the best.
  • Getting over you has been surprisingly painless.
  • If you don’t get along, it’s time to move on.
  • I’ve been through a lot in life. I’ll get through this, too.
  • You’re the one who will be lonely.
  • Wondering if I should have done something different.
  • This love wasn’t meant for us.
  • This time, I’m choosing me.
  • I deserve so much better.
  • Faithfulness is a relationship requirement, and you failed to comply.
  • Hello again, single me!
  • What will I do without you? Anything I want to.
  • Loving my freedom.
  • I will no longer be held back from following my dreams.
  • Hoping this heartbreak is worth it.
  • Trust me, I’ll be just fine.
  • Don’t hate me for being happier without you.
  • Trying to find some meaning in this pain.
  • There are brighter things ahead of me.
  • Sorry you’d rather be alone than be loved.
  • You turned off the lights on us, and I’m surrounded by darkness.
  • Shocked, numb, and broken.
  • I feel sorry for your next partner.
  • I know good things can come from this pain, but I’m not sure where to find them.
  • Being single again is the perfect excuse to grow.
  • Some lovers are better as friends.
  • Some stories weren’t meant to have happy endings.

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